
Can The Cops Arrest You If You Owe Someone Money

When it comes to the law, at that place is perhaps no other expanse that is equally widely misunderstood, misrepresented, and mythologized in popular civilisation quite like criminal constabulary. Crimes, punishments, and the procedures surrounding the criminal justice procedure are popular topics in movies, television, and books, and criminal cases are constantly in the news. Crime sells, and the public'south fascination with information technology never seems to end.

Unfortunately, the pop depiction of police procedures, trials, and other facets of the criminal justice process have given ascension to persistent legal myths. While many of these popular misconceptions are beneficial, some are far from it. If relied upon, these myths can significantly damage your ability to protect yourself and your rights.

Every bit with any discussion of legal issues, you need to consult a lawyer if you ever need guidance regarding criminal police force. A expert understanding of basic legal concepts volition always do good you lot, only applying the concepts to your situation and individual needs is something you can but practice if you lot receive guidance from an chaser.

Legal Myths in America Yous Didn't Know Near

1. The Police force Must Read You Your Rights

Police Must Read Rights

The prototype of a constabulary officer reading a criminal suspect his or her rights is 1 of the most commonly seen tropes in movies and television. If y'all know nothing else well-nigh criminal law, you know that police have to read you lot your rights. If they don't, a court will throw out your case.

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Unfortunately, while the idea that the police force must read you your rights whenever they talk to y'all or question y'all is mutual, it is woefully inaccurate. The rights the police read (or the warnings they give) are known as the Miranda warning considering they arose after the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Miranda 5. Arizona. In that case, the court stated that constabulary take to let a criminal defendant know what his or her rights are, merely only after the police take that person into custody, and if they desire to ask the detainee questions. If the police violate the Miranda requirement, they cannot apply the information they learn against y'all in a criminal case.

Withal, most interactions constabulary have with people are non custodial, meaning the police have not taken y'all into custody and are not preventing you from leaving. In these situations you lot are free to go, and so even if the police force inquire you questions, they are non under obligation to give you lot a Miranda warning. For example, if a police officer approaches yous while you're sitting in a java shop and starts chatting, the officer is under no obligation to read you lot your rights. Though anything yous say to the officeholder can still exist used against you, you are non in custody, and are non entitled to be read your rights earlier the officeholder conducts an interrogation.

2. You Have to Talk to the Police

Must Talk Police

If you cull to brand a argument to the constabulary or answer their questions, you have to be honest and cannot lie or mislead them, lest you be prosecuted for obstruction or similar crimes. Nevertheless, refusing to answer questions or refusing to cooperate with an investigation is not the same as lying or misleading a criminal investigation, and does not rise to the level of obstruction.

As a full general dominion, you are under no legal obligation to respond the questions asked to you past police or prosecutors, nor must you ever talk to the constabulary if they want to talk to y'all. Further, if the police take you lot into custody and interrogate you, you have the correct to talk to your attorney earlier you respond whatsoever questions, and the right to refuse to answer any questions they enquire.

However, while you generally are non obligated to answer questions or help investigators gather prove that can exist used against you, there are some express situations in which you may be legally obligated to provide police with certain kinds of data when asked. For example, about half of all states take "stop and identify" laws that crave you lot to provide police with certain identifying information, such as your name and address, when asked to exercise and then. While the constabulary have to have a reasonable suspicion that you have committed, are committing, or will commit a crime in order to demand such identifying information from you lot, refusing to provide such information when demanded tin be a crime. Similarly, if you are driving a vehicle and are pulled over, state laws allow officers to need that you lot to show your commuter's license and proof of insurance.

Beyond that, all states have mandatory reporting laws that require some people (such equally teachers, childcare providers, and medical professionals) to written report suspected instances of child abuse or maltreatment to police or state officials. If you lot are obligated to report such suspected abuse and neglect to do so, yous can be charged with a crime.

Furthermore, some states, such as Texas and Ohio, have laws that require y'all to report crimes. For instance, in Texas, it is a misdemeanor criminal offense to neglect to written report a felony that has resulted in serious bodily injury, while in Ohio it is a misdemeanor offense to fail to report whatever felony.

3. You Accept the Correct to a Phone Phone call

Phone Call Right

In general, if yous are arrested, yous have no recognized constitutional correct to brand a phone call. While the police are obligated to take certain actions, allowing you a phone phone call is not ever one of them. For example, if yous're arrested, the police must tell yous what you are being arrested for, bear witness you lot any arrest warrant issued against you, and bring y'all before a court as shortly as reasonably possible. None of these requirements impose on the police an obligation to allow you to use a phone or make any other advice with others outside of jail.

Withal, there are a number of states – including Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, N Carolina, Ohio, and Rhode Isle – that do have laws that specifically grant an arrestee the right to make a phone telephone call, or at least the right to communicate with counsel or friends following an abort. In other states, procedures or rules adopted by county or municipal constabulary enforcement agencies may afford arrestees the opportunity to make phone calls, even if in that location are no statewide laws that crave them to exercise so.

4. You Tin't Exist Bedevilled If Police Lie to You lot

Cant Be Convicted Police Lie

People frequently mistakenly assume that police force enforcement officers have to be honest. Lying to the constabulary or criminal investigators is a criminal offence – yet the constabulary lying to yous is not. While constabulary and all witnesses are sworn to tell the truth when testifying or presenting testify, they are under no such obligation when they are investigating crimes, conducting interrogations, or otherwise performing their duties.

The Supreme Courtroom has long upheld the government's correct to use deceptions and make false claims as they enforce the law. While police force cannot threaten you lot or others or make promises to induce y'all to confess, they are largely gratis to say any they want if they believe it will assistance them assemble evidence.

For example, say a detective approaches you lot and tells you she wants to enquire you questions nearly a friend of yours. She asks about a potential crime your friend might have committed, what you know about the friend, and where you were when the offense took place. In such a scenario, it'due south entirely possible that the detective is not interested in your friend at all, but is actually request you questions because she suspects that you have committed a crime. If she lies and tells you lot she's just asking almost your friend, she has done nothing illegal.

Anything you say to the police tin be used as evidence against you to captive you of a offense – even if the police lie to you to get you to answer questions. This is true fifty-fifty if the police tell you they are non actually cops (such as cloak-and-dagger officers denying they are police), tell y'all your chat is "off the record," or merits that you won't get into trouble if you lot confess and acknowledge to committing a crime.

Once more, you are under no legal obligation to speak to the law, assist them gather evidence that can be used against you, or to make statements of whatsoever kind. The United States Constitution guarantees that you take the right to remain silent. While the Supreme Court has ruled that, in some situations, you must invoke your correct to remain silent if you want to be sure that your silence is non held confronting you lot, you are notwithstanding allowed to remain silent before, during, and after an arrest, even if you practise not have an chaser.

v. All Charade By the Police Is Entrapment

Police Entrapment Deception

Entrapment is a recognized affirmative legal defense force. This means that if you can prove entrapment, y'all cannot be convicted of a criminal offence – despite the fact that the country has proven yous have committed the offense for which y'all've been defendant. In an entrapment defense, you effectively say that, aye, you committed the criminal offense, but were forced or coerced to practise and so by the state, and would not have committed information technology otherwise. Therefore, you lot cannot be held liable.

Entrapment is very difficult to bear witness, and though it'south widely known, it isn't often used every bit a legal defence force. It is also often misunderstood to hateful that you can't be convicted of a crime if the police lie to you, deceive yous, or try to trick you lot in some manner. This is non the case.

For example, say you accept prescription painkillers. A friend comes to you lot and asks you to sell him some pills. Yous agree and are quickly arrested because the friend was working as an informant for the police force. This is not entrapment, considering you chose to commit a crime simply because the opportunity arose. You were not coerced or forced to commit the law-breaking, and did so of your own free will.

Yet, if instead of the friend just asking you to sell him the pills, he claims that he needs them for his ailing mother who is suffering from cancer. He says that she cannot afford the medication herself, and if she doesn't get information technology, your friend fears that she will suffer terribly. You refuse initially, simply the friend persists. Yous somewhen agree and are arrested. This is a classic case of entrapment: If your friend had not gone to bully lengths to get you to commit the crime, you lot would never have washed and so. You made the illegal sale solely because of coercive emotional appeals.

The loftier standards you have to meet to show entrapment means that the police can practice a lot without their actions existence considered entrapment. For case, the police tin ask you to commit a criminal offense (such as selling beer to an officer posing as an hush-hush teen), assistance you lot commit a crime (such as selling you parts to make a flop), and let you commit a crime or fail to preclude y'all from committing a offense (such as watching you smoke a joint without telling you that it'south illegal) without entrapping you.

6. You lot Tin't Be Charged With a Crime If Nobody Presses Charges

Nobody Presses Charges

The idea of "pressing charges" is maybe the single most misunderstood concept when information technology comes to criminal constabulary. The concept seems uncomplicated: An average denizen or average person tin can cull – or decline – to have someone charged with a law-breaking.

While it is truthful that prosecutors may be less likely to press charges if a witness is unwilling to cooperate with an investigation, this in no way means that average people become to determine when prosecutors do or do not file charges. The determination of whether someone gets charged with a crime is always upwardly to a prosecutor.

Prosecutors have discretion in the kinds of charges they file, when they file those charges, and who they want to charge with a law-breaking – only the final determination is always theirs. Boilerplate citizens take almost no command over a prosecutor's determination to charge someone with a crime. Furthermore, citizens typically cannot file criminal charges on their own, nor tin can they stop prosecutors from filing criminal charges.

7. Evidence Can't Be Used If Police Didn't Accept a Search Warrant

Didnt Have Search Warrant

Under the Fourth Amendment to the Us Constitution, the people are free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The subpoena provides, in part, that the country cannot obtain a search warrant unless it is able to show likely cause. In practical terms, this ways that if police want to search you, your home, or your property, they must first go before a judge, show that they accept reason to believe you've committed a criminal offence, and enquire the judge to result a search warrant.

Nonetheless, these warrant requirements are subject area to some cardinal exceptions, and in many situations the law can search you without a warrant and not be in violation of your rights. There are a number of exceptions to the search warrant requirement, only some are more commonly encountered than others. These include, for example, consent to the search, plain or open view, terminate-and-frisk (or "Terry" stops), automobile or mobile conveyance search, exigent or emergency circumstances, and searches post-obit an arrest. Each exception has its own legal standards and requirements, and if the state is unable to evidence that it met the requirements prior to conducting the search, a courtroom will non let evidence from that search to be used.

For example, the plain view doctrine allows police to use show they come up across in their daily routine. Then, if a police force officer comes to your door to ask you some questions and, while there, notices illegal drugs within your house, the officer does not need to obtain a search warrant to seize that evidence and arrest yous. In an automobile or mobile conveyance search, the police tin perform a search of your vehicle if they have probable cause to believe that the vehicle contains testify of a crime. For case, if you are pulled over and the officer notices fume coming from under your seat and smells marijuana, the officer tin can search your vehicle without outset obtaining a search warrant.

Some other commonly encountered exception to the search warrant requirement is the end-and-frisk, besides known as a Terry stop. With a stop-and-frisk, if the police have a reasonable suspicion that you are engaged in some kind of criminal activity, they can stop and frisk you and your clothes for show of weapons or anything illegal.

Beyond the exceptions where an officeholder can behave a search based on the circumstances of the interaction, granting an officeholder your consent to search also removes the warrant requirement. So, for instance, if you are pulled over and the officer does not accept whatever show to doubtable that you've committed a crime or that your vehicle contains evidence of a offense, any evidence gathered from a search of your vehicle will not be admitted past a court. Nonetheless, if you grant permission to the officer to search your vehicle and the officeholder subsequently finds prove of a crime, that evidence is admissible considering yous granted consent.

Therefore, while it is a general rule that police must take a search warrant if they want to behave a search, there are pregnant exceptions to this rule that make many non-warrant-based searches entirely legal.

eight. You Tin can't Be Convicted Without Fingerprints, DNA, or Video Evidence

Without Fingerprints Dna Video Evidence

The image of the brightly lit modernistic crime lab with scientific forensic instruments, lab technicians in white coats, and technologically avant-garde criminal offence-fighting and investigative methods is the staff of life and butter of many popular depictions of the criminal justice system. The notion that investigators can solve crimes by using fingerprints analysis, voice recognition, or Deoxyribonucleic acid can give rise to the belief that, without such evidence being present, you lot cannot exist convicted. But this myth is entirely incorrect.

Many cases involve no forensic or scientific evidence of any kind, and rely solely on the testimony of witnesses and criminal investigators. In fact, the testimony of either a unmarried law officer who investigated the case or the victim of a criminal offence who can place the perpetrator is usually enough for the prosecution to secure a conviction. The popular delineation of scientific experts giving testimony about the validity of evidence or technicians performing complicated analyses of offense scenes is a role of some cases – but those cases are the exception, not the norm.

9. Your Spouse Can't Testify Against You

Spouse Cant Testify

Spousal immunity is a protection that prevents prosecutors from forcing the spouse of a married defendant to testify against that accused in any criminal prosecution. Similarly, the country cannot force spouses to divulge confidential communications shared between the 2, a concept known as the marital communication privilege.

However, while spousal immunity is a recognized and important legal principle, information technology is not a blanket protection. Like other legal principles, information technology has limits and exceptions.

Starting time, and perhaps well-nigh importantly, spousal immunity rights tin exist waived. If the spouse of a criminal accused chooses to do so, he or she can willingly appear and provide testimony that tin can be used against the defendant spouse. The criminal defendant cannot, on his or her own, prevent the spouse from testifying if that spouse chooses to practise and then, nor force the spouse to go on silent.

Also, spousal immunity only applies to couples who are currently married at the time the prosecution takes place. If a couple divorces earlier one of the spouses is charged, the ex-spouse does not have the ability to accept advantage of spousal immunity privileges, and can exist forced to testify confronting his or her sometime spouse. Beyond that, and depending on state constabulary, the spousal immunity privilege may not utilise when one spouse is charged with committing a crime against the other, when ane spouse is charged with a offense against one of their children, or when the communications between the 2 took place prior to the couple inbound into wedlock.

10. Cases Always Go to Trial

Cases Always Go Trial

Criminal trials are dramatic, engaging, and incredibly popular subjects both for entertainment and news purposes. Nonetheless, the trials that have identify in the public heart and in popular entertainment can requite the impression that most, if not all, criminal cases get to trial, and that all trials are long and complicated diplomacy. The reality is so different equally to brand the popular depiction practically meaningless.

The vast bulk of criminal cases in the United States are resolved through plea deal agreements betwixt the prosecution and defense. Additionally, some criminal cases that don't go to trial are dismissed, while others involve defendants who die. Co-ordinate to the Authoritative Office of the U.S. Courtroom, more than 90% of federal criminal cases exercise not reach the trial stage. For state cases, the pct may be even higher.

The pocket-sized number of cases that really practice brand information technology to trial represent only a fraction of the total number of cases going on at any one time. Of those, only a fraction ever receive whatsoever significant media or popular attention.

Last Discussion

Above all, the biggest, most unsafe myth regarding criminal police force is that you know what y'all have to do to protect yourself, win your case, and ensure you lot don't go into trouble. Criminal police can be an incredibly complicated field, and what might seem reasonable or logical to you might be completely wrong.

Without even because the pregnant legal differences between the individual states, every bit well as between the states and the federal criminal organisation, your power to defend your rights and protect yourself is limited because your cognition is limited. If you rely on the popular depiction of the police and the criminal justice system, you may exist at an even greater disadvantage.

Knowing your rights and obligations prior to making any decisions (or any potentially incriminating statements) is ever in your best interests. Therefore, if faced with a criminal police force situation, always consult an attorney.

What additional legal myths do yous know of?


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