
Practical Blogging tips for new bloggers & beginners

In this post, we volition be talking about some blogging tips to follow, that will help you make your blog, what you desire it to be. It is important first to proceed your readers happy. A new blogger will find many of these tips quite helpful. There are some things that make a weblog a good i. Lets u.s. have a await at the points which a beginner should consider.

blogging tips

Blogging Tips for new bloggers

ane. The design of your blog – The pattern of your web log has to be skillful. It shouldn't be messy with many things here and there. A simple and clean i will do the job. Decide if you desire a traditional blog-style design or a magazine-manner design. see what suits your niche the all-time and go for it. Use a readable font. Google web fonts directory offers hundreds of web-safe fonts. You may want to check it out. Also, cheque out your website in dissimilar screen sizes & resolutions.

ii. Speed – Amongst the important, but nether-rated blogging tips is the speed with which your weblog loads. It matters now! iv-5 seconds are what you should target. Annihilation more and y'all can be sure that the visitor volition just go abroad – especially on mobile devices. Your blog should not take loads of advertisements, heart candy, etc., to the extent that it increases the load time. Having besides many Javascripts, eye-candy, toolbars, etc., just adds to the load time. So, optimize the load time of your weblog. Take the Google Page Speed Online exam.

iii. Search button – See to it that your blog has a properly placed "Search" push. Many times a reader might also want to see whether the content he wants to read is bachelor or not on your blog. He wouldn't want to get through all your Archives. People are used to seeing the search bar on the top right side of the web page. Placing information technology conveniently can really increment your page views.

4. Social Media – This is i of the nearly essential parts of a blog now.  Make sure your blog has a Google+, Twitter, and Facebook page. Mail-information technology's icons and links in your sidebar. Add a subscribe to RSS Feed and Due east-letter push button also on your blog at such a identify where it easily gets noticed. This volition get you lot regular readers and in turn, be beneficial for you. Add Share buttons site-wide.

five. Blog posts – While at that place may not be whatever written rule, endeavor to brand your blog posts of at least 300 words or above. Format them properly in paragraphs with a paragraph having not more than five-6 lines. Employ bold or italics to highlight some words or terms. Apply an H2 or an H3 tag in the postal service for the headings or sub-headings. This makes for easy readability.

half dozen. Keywords – Include search engine-friendly keywords in your post. This will get you web traffic from search engines. Also, utilise the post title equally a headline to concenter the interest of your readers. The page titles should be search-friendly. Each post should accept a title that will attract attention but at the same time, also be relevant to the post. The easiest way is to use proficient keywords is to employ the drop-down suggestions from the search bar.

vii.Focus on the topic – Information technology might happen at times that you desire to write something, and you cease up writing something else. When you write a mail, always define your topic boldly and make sure yous stick to it. By doing so, you will take loyal readers who will love reading your posts. Font ramble in the first paragraph. I prefer to direct write virtually the postal service summary in the showtime para.

eight. Continue updating your web log – Whenever possible, try to update your web log.  If you lot can practice it daily – great! If not, then at least do it once a calendar week. Search Engines will regularly update your posts by sending robots and spiders to your weblog. If yous publish new posts, you can assure that they will quickly get indexed.

nine. Images – Make sure your blog post has at least an image in it. This breaks the monotony and keeps the readers glued to your mail and makes it interesting. If your post is but a drove of hundreds of words, yous are likely to lose visitors from your web log. Optimizing the size of the images also helps in reducing the load fourth dimension of the postal service. Name the paradigm with the keyphrase. As well, remember to give them an Culling text and Epitome Championship attribute.

10. Focus on Content showtime and later on, on the fine art & science of blogging – Many new bloggers I take noticed, brand ane mistake. They focus more on HOW TO weblog rather than WHAT TO blog. I advise y'all detect good topics and blog consistently for maybe half-dozen months to a yr. Once you are settled in, then you can start looking at questions like how to increase page views, how to decrease bounce rate, how to increase RSS Feed Subscribers,  how to increment blog comments, how to improve Alexa ranking, how to do this, or how to practise that.

11. Old is not Gold in Blogging – Always write something that's new. Don't write content that is old. Quondam content is what people are already aware of. If your traffic is from search engines, and then you lot won't get any traffic past writing old content equally there won't be anyone searching for that stuff. If you have good subscribers, and so this is the worst matter as yous might lose them.

12. Blog Indexing – One time your web log is up and running, submit information technology to search engines. Submit your blog to diverse search engines and a few directories if you wish. Get your new blog or website indexed rapidly by search engines. Accept a look at freeware Website Link Submitter.

thirteen. Monetization – One time your blog is 6 months to one year onetime, and so you tin start thinking of monetizing it. Apart from signing with Google AdSense or some  Google AdSense alternative programs, you can also consider selling some products by signing upward for Chapter programs, or Paid Reviews – if you lot wish. While placing ads above the fold is a good way to improve ad functioning and brand more than money, you must too have intendance to ensure that your readers tin hands find the content they are looking for. Read this post on new Panda-friendly Google AdSense layouts for your blog. If you have just signed upward for AdSense and your ads are not showing fifty-fifty after 48 hours, you may want to use the Google AdSense Troubleshooter. Afterward on, if you lot wish, you can likewise maximize AdSense revenue by implementing section targeting.

14. Search Engine Optimization – When you lot accept 100 or so posts under your chugalug, you may desire to shift a function of your focus from generating the content, to the art and science of blogging. Always keep in affect with the latest Google Search Engine Ranking Factors. Follow some bones SEO Tips to get meliorate Search Engine Ranking, apply a proficient WordPress SEO plugin similar Yoast'due south, read Google'southward very own Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, and yous are expert to go. Once you are set up in, focus on increasing organic search engine traffic – this is the ane that actually pays!

xv. Web log Security – Once your web log starts becoming popular, information technology may get targeted. You lot may then want to call up of hardening the security of your WordPress site. If e'er you find that someone is copying your content, this mail volition help yous deal with Plagiarism and Online Content Theft.

16. Hosting – Sign-up with a good host. Check this if you are looking for free Web Hosting sites.

Concluding words.

Blog with Passion. Web log with Conviction. And web log consistently. Don't blog to make coin, weblog to build a reputation. Money volition follow…and then will traffic and satisfaction!


Don't waste your time reading those 'Learn how to make quick money',  'I volition bear witness y'all how to make $100000 in a month' or 'I volition show yous how to exponentially increase your organic traffic in i calendar month' kind of blogs. They may or may not exist making that kind of coin, but if they are, they may actually be making such money by selling y'all 'hope' or eBooks on 'How to make coin'.

What would exist interesting to know, is that if they weren't selling such textile, would they still be making such money? It would also be, actually interesting to notice out HOW MANY who read such blogs or purchase such eBooks really end up making even ten% of his figure! You see, nearly such sites make money, by telling yous, how to brand coin – in curt by selling y'all 'Hope'!

Blogging for Money, over Passion could lead you to failure!

Many as well waste fourth dimension looking at their traffic stats and earnings every mean solar day. Don't waste too much of your time looking for SEO shortcuts to get quick traffic, Google PageRank or Alexa ranking. Focus on content, blog consistently, use good English and don't requite up. Information technology volition be simply a matter of time before your blog starts getting proficient traffic, and you could well end upwardly earning even a five-effigy USD income every mean solar day!

Remember, every blogger has his day…it's only a matter of time!

Read side by side: List of 20 Meridian Blogs in India.


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