Unveiling: The Portal site


NeoPixel Reel (60)

Arduino UNO

1/4" acrylic rods (~18')

1 3mm thick 12" x 12" acrylic sheet

1 power button (latching)

1 fleeting button

1 microphone

1 2" x 6" x 2' wood


Wood paste


Two wire stooge

Flat black spray paint (practical for some wood and plastic)

9v buffet clip snap with 2.1 x 5.5mm virile DC plug for Arduino


Solder iron

Shelve saw

Wire striper

3D pressman

USB cable


Arduino IDE

Jig power saw


Measuring devices

The vena portae is a piece of electronic art. The artistic idea was to represent particles of light being drawn into a rip in sub space or a "portal site" that traverses from multidimensional austere to some other which can also be described as a wormhole. This contains deuce modes, the starting time being a standard standby animation of the lights flowing towards the "hepatic portal vein (pictured in the video as two divergent versions of this animation). The second mode allows the lights to react to music being played ever-changing its colours based on the euphony while it follows the standby animation of moving towards the "portal".

I am still working on the code for the lights to react to music. Outside now that mode is delineated as just the lights changing colours as they loop back to the beginning after stretch the "portal". I will update the video and provide a picture of it fully built after this is accomplished.

Step 1:

Intention the mainstay tray and the box for the tray. In my case 10 rows of 4 mainstay cups that are a 1/2" deep and are .26" x .26". Likewise a slot to accommodate a 3mm acrylic backing plateful. The bottom of the pillar cups have a whole in them to accommodate the NeoPixles and the spacing was designed to accommodate the spacing of the NeoPixles I used.

Step 2:

3D print both the box and the pillar tray.

Footmark 3:

Paint the 3D prints black.

Step 4:

Strip the weather protectant off of the NeoPixles and cut the strand into 4 strips of 10 and 1 funnies of 4.

Step 5:

Cut the acrylic rods into 4 sets of various heights. In my case it was in 1/4" increments going away from 2" to 4".

For my design it needful 40.

Footprint 6:

Cut a piece of music of 2" x 6" into 2 pieces of 2" x 6" x 1'.

Step out 7:

Glue the two pieces in concert then put them in a vice until the glue is withered.

Step 8:

Rip off a little of each position of the block of wood to get a respectable solid cylinder block of wood with square edges.

Ill-trea 9:

Cut an angular edge wholly the way around the block of wood. I chose an angle that looked nice and left sufficiency way for the column box on the top of the kibosh.

Step 10:

Hint the plastic corner onto the wood trapezoid with an 1/2 in on all but same position. Make one side long enough to accommodate the office button, the mike, and the mode button. Past exercise a cakehole clear finished the box to use as a terminus a quo for the reciprocating saw. Using the jigsaw, cut down the inner part of the box.

Step 11:

Deletion a piece of wood that is the same dimensions Eastern Samoa the bottom of the block for the bottom.

Mistreat 12:

Trace the top outside function of the wood box onto the piece of 1/4" veneer wood and and so trace the exclusive top part of the wood box onto the piece of veneer Natalie Wood. So trace a smaller rectangle to allow for overhang onto the pillar tray. Then drill a yap all the way through the board to use as a starting point for the jigsaw saw. Using the jigsaw byword, cut the inner part of the board.

Whole step 13:

Mu outgoing the locations for the mic, the big businessman button, and the mode clitoris then cut them out.

Step 14:

Insert the pillars into the tray.

Step 15:

Solder the cope pins onto the microphone

Dance step 16:

Solder wires onto each finish of the NeoPixel strips

Step 17:

Solder a red wire to unrivalled prong of the mode button and solder a black wire to the other prong (does not matter which prongs). Then attach a () 330 Ohm resistor to the coloured wire and another melanize conducting wire to the resistor.

Step 18:

Cut the red cable for the battery connector in half. Then solder a wire to apiece ends of the wires. Then solder two wires to the two prongs and touch base them to the other two wires.

Maltreat 19:

Tape the lights to the bottom of the pillar tray.

Step 20:

Laser Cut the "portal".

Step 21:

Write the code for the standers animation and for the lights to react to music.

Footprint 22:

Assemble everything together and you are cooked.

Step 23: Video

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